Klimontów - dzielnica Sosnowca
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The camp for prisoners of war from Great Britain in Klimontow near Sosnowiec, Poland. Utwórz PDF
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During the Second World War British soldiers worked in the coal mine at Klimontow (Bismarck II). They lived in timber barracks at the end of the road out of Klimontow, near trail’s line.

The Red Cross convention (1864, 1906) permitted the use of Prisoners of War (POW) as labourers as long as their work was not related to the war.
The POW had to work very hard and the food they received from the Germans was inadequate and they were very dependent on Red Cross parcels containing chocolate, tea, coffee, etc. The POW were very friendly with the Polish people and often gave food and chocolate to the children.

The camp in Klimontow was a part of Stalag VIIIB at Lambinowice (Arbeitskommando E 702 Stalag VIII B 344 Lamsdorf). The average number of prisoners was 350. The camp was evacuated in 20th January 1945 as the Russian forces approached.

The former camp in Klimontow  in 1960s

The former camp in Klimontow  in 1960s

Zmieniony ( 28.12.2008. )
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